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Miranda Arnold4 min

Let’s Talk About The Astrology Niche You’ve (Probably) Never Heard Of — Astrocartography

I opened my first business, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to create the life of my dreams. But no matter how many hours I clocked into my business, discovery calls I booked, or tools I invested in, I just couldn’t seem to get on my feet. I felt invisible. The love, energy, and effort I poured into my online business wasn’t seen or recognised.  I’d just moved back to my hometown in Northern California when I began my entrepreneurial journey. It’s the place I’d spent the majority of my childhood. The place where my entire family currently resides. The place I moved away from with no intention to return. Why?  Because Redding didn’t feel good to me. And honestly, in retrospect, it never had…I felt like an irritable, angry, intense version of myself in Redding. I felt small, unseen, insignificant at times, out of place, but extremely driven. Random, right?  Wrong.   

Search for answers

Time travel six months into the future. For the third time in a few months, I’d heard the word astrocartography. It wasn’t a coincidence, the universe wanted me to look into it. So I did.  Astrocartography is the astrology of place. It’s a snapshot of lines across the globe showing where the planets were dancing when you took your first breath of air. A beautifully complex map of planetary lines that’ll never move.    Different places across the globe hold different energies for you – both preferable and unpreferable – depending on your unique natal chart and astrocartography map. Just as there are supportive planets and challenging planets, there are more supportive and challenging places in the world for you.’  Helena Woods   Although this niche of astrology isn’t new, most people have zero idea what I’m talking about when I say astrocartography. The idea of locational astrology infatuated me instantly. I booked a reading out of pure excitement, just dying to know where on this planet I should be. Because Redding definitely wasn’t it.  Astrology is a divine tool gifted to us by the cosmos. It’s not the answer to all life's questions, but it comes pretty damn close. And my astrocartography reading was proof of that. After exchanging ‘hellos’ and ‘nice to meet yous’ over our virtual call, my astrocarotgrapher asked me, ‘So how are you feeling in Redding? You have a very difficult paran line going straight through your location’. I wanted to cry — all of a sudden, everything I’d felt living in Redding was validated. I wasn’t crazy. I was living directly on my Moon Mars paran line. Before you read further, a little disclaimer: you must reference your birth chart in cohesion with your astrocartography map to get a clear picture.  It’s not like one planetary line’s always bad, or one planetary line’s always good. It doesn’t work that way. For me personally, this planetary combination of Moon and Mars wasn’t ideal. In fact, it’s a pretty difficult place for me to live.  Why? Because it represents being unseen, feeling irritable, emotional, and slightly aggressive thanks to Mars. Long story short, Redding’s not a good place for me to be, cosmically — but that wasn’t news to me. No wonder my business was slow to take off. No wonder I pushed myself to the extreme day after day. No wonder I was irritable with my family. No wonder I didn’t want to stay there. As we dove deeper into my astrocartography reading I was shocked. I’d visited or lived on more than four planetary lines throughout my life. I’d always been drawn to specific locations around the planet, without knowing why. If I could explain astrocartography to you in two words, it would be ‘ah ha!’  

The essence of astrocartography

Each planet embodies a specific energy. For example, Mars represents ambition, stamina, war, frustration, and the physical body. Venus represents pleasure, aesthetics, creativity, and love. Neptune, on the other hand, represents illusion, ancestry, enlightenment, and spirituality.  When you’re on or near a planetary line, their energetic ‘themes’ activate (aka you feel that!). Once you realise this, you can use astrocartography to your benefit — like me. I fell in love with Italy but felt unstable, and ungrounded thanks to my Uranus IC line. Albania was exciting but also difficult emotionally because I had potent Mars energy slicing directly through Sarandë, a city I lived in for three months. Switzerland represented deep sorrow and heartbreak, with a karmic Venus Chiron line going smack dab through Lausanne (the location where I ended my long-distance relationship).  Keep in mind I’d experienced these energetic themes before I’d ever even heard of locational astrology. My reading just solidified everything I’d already felt.  Today I’m writing this from Syros, Greece on my Moon, North Node line. A cosmically-aligned location for visibility in my business, community, and thriving finances. And intuitively, a country I’ve always dreamed of living in. We live in a time where we can freely travel and build the life of our dreams— from any location! Astrocartography is a cosmic roadmap that shows you places that serve you on a soul level. You can use locational astrology to: → Find your Pinterest-perfect home → Plan your dream honeymoon → Meet the love of your life → Find career success → Write a book → Relocate   Your options are limitless. That’s the magic of astrocartography. I’ve dipped my toes into the world of astrocartography with no end of cosmic wisdom in sight. The topic is vast and beautiful — I hope you feel inspired to dive into your astrocartography map, dear kindred spirit.  I promise you’ll have an ‘ah ha!’ moment, just like me. 

Miranda Arnold

Miranda Arnold’s a copywriter, business mentor, and spiritual cheerleader who loves sharing raw, relatable stories that make people feel seen, heard, and understood. If you’d like to follow her journey you can find her on LinkedIn.