Alchemical transformation allows us to reap the efforts of inner work. We make alterations to plans and practice patience with the process. Communication emitting from the heart opens vast freeways.
To discover your personal Life Path Number, write down all the digits in your date of birth and add them together. For example, 16 December 1965 is 1 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 5 = 31
If your numbers add up to 11, 22, or a single digit, that’s your life path number
Otherwise, keep adding the numbers together until you reach a single digit, (eg: 3 + 1 = 4)
Therefore 16 December 1965 would have a life path number of 4
1. You may feel strong, assertive and on top of the world. You’re learning spiritual obedience and are being guided forwards. Take a breath before taking compulsive actions, or revealing too much information that you will later regret. One step today leads you closer to your goals and towards resolution. 2. You’re unconditionally kind, considerate and respectful. A sudden action by a friend gives you a jolt and sends your mind into orbit. You are tempted to tell people what they want to hear to keep the peace. You steer clear of gossip and unwelcome complications. 3. You love basking in sunshine and moonlight dancing. Spirit sets your mind free to reach the higher ground. You hear the calling of your soul(mate): your heart is open to love. You’re revising situations to put things right. Footsteps are miraculously reappearing in the sand to guide you. 4. If sacrifice means doing what’s best, you’re in. You draw powerful people towards you who recognise the beauty of your essence. You give up ownership of your destiny. Life is empowering you to wake up to reality. Paint your life with a variety of colours and watch the horizon open up. Flexibility is essential. 5. You’re startled by headlights, but your intuition is acute. Visions of past times may arise in your dreams. Poking at people attracts attention and may be entertaining, but pride comes before a falling inwards to the soul. You try writing with both hands to enhance your dexterity. The left and right sides of your brain enjoy stimulation. 6. Swapping roles with a partner reveals fascinating discoveries in your relationship. You may surprise yourself and deliver results you previously thought impossible. Feed your soul to boost your batteries: massage, lectures, social interaction and reflective study. You may pursue heavyweight responsibilities that provide ultimate spiritual growth or financial return. 7. You enforce discipline and effort to help you manifest positive change. You light up people’s lives by being refreshingly honest and by demonstrating integrity. Results are never guaranteed, but the journey is bountiful and aspirational. Your ego shows you what work you need to do. All is well. 8. Medicine can be served best with a cube of sugar, but it all takes effect. There is no cutting corners, but a mend-and-make attitude provides a temporary fix. You remain resilient and steadfast. Glamour draws you into situations that set you cooking. Your loyalty may be divided – you make an important announcement. 9. True relationships stand the test of time. Time disappears when you are enjoying yourself and embracing the moment. You recognise why you took difficult decisions and certain actions in the past – they were, in retrospect, for the very best. You make lists to help you navigate each day successfully. 11. Your heart sings when you witness love within your family and community. You nurture your dreams through creative visualisation. Sometimes laborious, repetitive groundwork is needed to follow them through. If life feels flat, you’re missing the point. What is ordinary is actually glorious and spectacular to the human soul. 22. Create space in your daily routine to welcome all the goodies into your life, then share your bounty with others. Challenges may arise over ownership of property, land or words – set yourself free. Redesign your future now. You consolidate a new level of cosmic understanding. Loved ones notice you shine. This feature was originally published in Kindred Spirit Spring 2024 (Issue 190) available from 22 February, 2024. Click here to subscribe and have each new issue of Kindred Spirit delivered directly to your door. Alternatively, you can purchase individual magazines directly from our website.Sonia Ducie Dip.CSN.AIN. is a teacher at The Connaissance School of Numerology and a member of the Association Internationale De Numerologues. She has been a professional numerologist for 31 years and has written several books, including A Practical Introduction To Numerology (£8.99, Watkins Publishing). For readings, workshops and courses visit:
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