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Your Numerology Forecast for March

To discover your personal Life Path Number, write down all the digits in your date of birth and add them together. For example, 16 December 1965 is 1 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 5 = 31
• If your numbers add up to 11, 22, or a single digit, that’s your life path number
• Otherwise, keep adding the numbers together until you reach a single digit, (eg: 3 + 1 = 4)
• Therefore 16 December 1965 would have a life path number of 4

by Sonia Ducie, Dip.CSN.AIN


We demonstrate love through action, generosity, consideration and service. We’re passionately building essential communities to provide hubs for creativity, resources and spiritual retreat, and navigating important commitments at the equinox.

You’re coming out of yourself and are willing to stand up and be counted. Layers of underlying tension are peeling off, unveiling your beautiful soul. At the equinox you’re receiving inner wisdom that enriches your soul; a new world awaits. After foraging in the dark, you finally make your intentions known. You’re wading into projects that stretch your mind and challenge your emotions, yet empower you. Regular check-ups are important: finances, relationships, health, career goals and spiritual enrichment all count. If a situation is still haunting you, recognise how it has shaped your life. Release and move forwards at the equinox. Whilst a situation may be explosive, there’s ample room to redress the balance at the equinox. Uniting forces with others sprinkles magic everywhere. If life is running away with you, be assertive, keep abreast of chores and state your mind in a constructive way. Find meaning in life and welcome change. Brushing issues under the carpet may mean they pop back up, particularly at the equinox. You’re obedient to spirit and know what works; in silence you demonstrate service. You can be vague with loved ones about what’s in your pot; responsibilities need to be faced. You embrace the different rhythms of life. You may feel like a circus animal, pushing yourself to give your best performance. You’re tapping into the source to soothe your frazzled mind at the equinox. The angels are guiding your movements for the highest good. You harness irreplaceable moments of spiritual connection through listening to sensual music, dancing and meditation. It’s dangerous to upset the pack. Your mind rises above situations and you apply creative solutions. You’re paying the bills and being highly conscientious over practicalities. You may install an ioniser in your property to cleanse your environment; purifying your thoughts and emotions improves the atmosphere, too. Humour uplifts your day. You mix and match to adapt to shifting sands. Role models influence your behaviour. Your soul expresses wisdom and strength around the equinox. You are assertive and take care to uncover the mystery surrounding a situation. Your heart opens to allow in the love. Tenaciousness and astute good timing is welcome. Temper tantrums are cries from your soul to discover the jewels beneath the surface. Forgotten gifts are re-lit around the equinox. Time and space take you into a new dimension, and spirit is in control of your destiny. A softer side emerges out of your solid serious protective barrier. Love blossoms in the ordinariness of everyday life. You may buckle under the pressure of trying to impress those who hold authority. You laugh at the extent of your own efforts to keep on top. People notice your shining soul, your kind voice and sensitivity – an alchemical mix of support. A clash between power and money may crumble pride around the equinox. Your concentration fluctuates enormously at the equinox. You step out of yourself to see life from others perspective, unearthing a newfound love of beauty and peace. You may be competitive over a business contract, a romantic liaison or with money; what is yours is yours. You’re owning up and practising self-acceptance. Your blinkers are pulled off your eyes at the equinox. You have choice; soul growth is non-negotiable. You get along with people by focusing on similarities rather than differences. Children and family are needy of your support. Love life as it is in the present; embrace love and service.    

Find out more:

Sonia Ducie Dip.CSN.AIN. is a teacher at The Connaissance School of Numerology and a member of the Association Internationale De Numerologues. She has been a professional numerologist for 31 years and has written several books, including A Practical Introduction To Numerology (£8.99, Watkins Publishing).
For readings, workshops and courses visit: Facebook:    This feature was originally published in Kindred Spirit Spring 2024 (Issue 190) available from 22 February, 2024. Click here to subscribe and have each new issue of Kindred Spirit delivered directly to your door. Alternatively, you can purchase individual magazines directly from our website.