I've found that writing freely onto the page can be a profound portal for parts to share truth and for the Self to set in. Building upon the writing practices in Chapter 4, I'm going to encourage you to use your journal as your guide to Self energy. If you're open to connecting with a physical Protector that has been a source of pain and suffering, follow the guidance provided here. However, if considering your physical symptoms as psychosomatic conditions feels triggering or overwhelming for any reason, trust that feeling and come back to this at another time.
This exercise is a dialogue with the Protector parts associated with body pain. Through gentle exploration and guided self-inquiry, you can uncover the underlying emotions, beliefs, or memories that these parts are trying to protect you from facing. It is essential to approach these Protector parts with openness, patience, and respect, allowing them to express themselves fully.
Follow my guidance and check in with your body to cultivate a compassionate and curious attitude toward whatever pain may be present - when you give it space to speak, your body has a lot to reveal. Rather than viewing your body as the enemy or as a physical symptom that has to be healed or overcome, you can practise approaching your physical pain or condition with empathy by acknowledging its presence and seeking to understand its purpose.
Start by contemplating any form of persistent physical or inflammatory condition that may be chronic or may arise at specific times in your life. If it feels safe, choose to check in with it.
Now, become curious, offering this physical pain your attention and presence. Ask the part:
- How long have you been around?
- Are there any other feelings or sensations you want to reveal?
- Do you have any thoughts you want to share?
- Is there an image or a story that needs to come forward?
- Become even more curious offering the part space to come forward.
- What else do you want to know?
- Continue opening up space for more curiosity until you feel a connection to the part.
Next, check in more by asking the part what it needs from you (Self). Encourage the part to freely express itself on the page. Let it all out. This is a chance to unleash your emotions on paper, allowing for the release of any pent-up feelings. Open your journal and write until you experience a sense of relief.
When your writing feels complete, close your eyes and breathe with the part. Allow the presence of Self to come through naturally. Trust in your connection, and know that in this open state you have clear access to Self energy.
My hope is that this practice offers you a whole new perception of your physical body and pain. By merely noticing that pain emerges from a protective intention, you can develop a more compassionate relationship with your body. Check in a bit more and reflect on the process:
- Can you sense a compassionate presence toward the pain?
- Are you able to observe the pain without judgment, bringing awareness to the sensations and emotions that arise?
- Are you able to sense into Self?
- Did this practice help you release any feelings of hopelessness?
Notice what it feels like inside your body now.
This process of connecting to your body Protectors offers the Protector part awareness, acceptance, and an opening of Self. As you build up understanding and compassion, you'll be able to begin the journey of addressing the root causes of your pain. The need for protection diminishes, and physical symptoms reduce or disappear. If you have a spontaneous experience of relief from pain, do your best not to judge it. Other Protectors will want to shut it down and return to a diagnosis or a reason that it wouldn't go away. Be mindful of the resistance that comes through, and gently ask those resistant parts to step aside. Give yourself as much time as you can to take in the full body acceptance that it is indeed possible. If you really commit to the relief, it has the power to take over and be your new normal.
When you clear space for your body parts to speak, they can release. When you breathe into the released state, Self can make physical adjustments. Freedom and empowerment lie in our experience of this relief. When you experience this shift once, you'll no longer feel powerless over your pain, and instead you'll know that with release comes great relief.
Now that you have had a chance to witness your physical pain as a Protector, you may feel some relief. It's also possible that you may have noticed another Protector step in front of the pain to block you from revealing deeper emotions. No matter the outcome, trust that this is a process. The next time you notice physical pain or symptoms arise, instead of pushing against it, stressing about it, or trying to numb it, check in. Give your body the chance to speak up and reveal whatever it is that you need to know. Creating space for your body parts to speak gives them the freedom to be seen and offer you real insights. You don't have to try to figure everything out; instead, ask the part.
A devotional curiosity and willingness to check in are the greatest Self-help tools in your toolbox. Instead of overriding your physical body, you can tune in and ask it what it needs. Your body can become your guide to knowing more of what your inner world wants to reveal.
This is an extract taken from Gabrielle Bernstein's new book
Self Help, This is your chance to change your life, and is available to
buy now here.
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