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Jillian Lavender2 min

An Excerpt from Jillian Lavender’s book, ‘Why Meditate? Because it works’.

woman sat on sand dunes with hands in prayer above her head, illustrating the topic of why meditate  

Consciousness is the basis of everything.

The Veda – ‘pure knowledge’ or ‘truth’ – is an ancient body of knowledge that reveals the nature of life. This universal knowledge is many thousands of years old and yet contains timeless wisdom for the modern age. The ancient Vedic masters were able to cognise the most fundamental truth of existence. They discovered that underlying the finite boundaries of everything in creation is a wholeness that is unbounded and infinite. Everything that exists in the physical world is a manifestation of a field of energy that holds the potential to create anything and everything. The wise sages of the Veda sum it up in this way: I am That, Thou art That, All this is That All the laws of nature, and all form and phenomena, come from this one, indivisible, whole field of creative energy and intelligence. The Vedas state that there is no separation between you and this field – this is your essential nature. While not visible at the surface layer, it can be experienced beyond the normal thinking level, transcendent and silent. The more you experience your essence, the more you identify with your true Self. In waking up this background silence by stepping beyond the body and mind, the transcendent ceases to be transcendent. The direct experience of this silence is the gift of meditation. As a result, the fountainhead of creation comes alive and embeds itself in all your thinking and actions. In the Vedas there are many names for this field: the Self, Being, the Absolute, samadhi, pure consciousness, pure awareness, transcendental consciousness, OM, a field of creative intelligence. What does this mean for us?
  •  The source of everything in the universe is one whole, indivisible field of energy – Being.
  •  Being is omnipresent – it is all form and phenomena, everywhere, at all times.
  •  Everything we perceive is a spontaneous manifestation from the source.
  •  Consciousness unifies everything and everyone.
  •  At our source we’re all made of the same stuff.
  • In our essential, least excited state, we’re all connected.
Waves on the ocean might look separate and defined, but they’re all made of the same stuff. The seawater in one wave is the same seawater as the next wave and the next. You are not separate. You’re not just some isolated mass of muscle and bones making your way through the world. You are one with everything. For another article on meditation and its link with our immunity click here.  More of Jillian's work can be found via her website.

Jillian Lavender

Co-director of London and New York Meditation Centres, a full-time Vedic Meditation teacher, wellness expert and author of Why Meditate? Because It Works (£14.19, Yellow Kite) Jillian believes meditation has the power to transform our lives and as the world’s most active Vedic Meditation teacher she’s seen it happen. Originally from New Zealand, Jillian held senior business roles in Sydney, Paris and New York. During this demanding time she learned Vedic Meditation. The improvements to her life were immediate —stress levels began to dissolve and fatigue quickly subsided. Inspired to share this life-changing knowledge she left her CEO role, and undertook intensive training in the US and India to become a teacher of Vedic Meditation. Alongside teaching, Jillian is an expert in Ayurveda. You can follow Jillian on Instagram or find her website here.

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