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Monthly Moon Astrology: January 2021

Jennifer Hollie Bowles gives a moonology reading for January 2021 and lets us know what we can expect from its path across the sky at the start of the new year

by Jennifer Hollie Bowles


The Moon in Astrology is connected to the powerful forces of cycles and changes. Unlike Hebrew, Japanese, Buddhist, and other calendars that follow Lunar cycles, the West follows the Gregorian Solar Calendar. As we begin the new year of the 2021 Solar Cycle in the West, we will experience Moon energies on a deeply moving and personal level. By examining the Moon's placement through her cycles in January, we can better intuit the emotional tides and adaptive qualities unfolding over the next year.


January Last Quarter Moon

The Moon will wane to her Last Quarter on Wednesday, 6 January in the balancing sign of Libra. The Last Quarter Moon helps show us where we've fallen short, and is a time of readjustment. In Libra, we are called to improve our perceptions and actions toward more fairness and justice, with others and within ourselves. We are likely to become much more in tune and motivated by what we value and find truly beautiful. This is an excellent time for making any amends that need to be made, as well as to nurture the meanings behind why we do things. It is wise not to make New Year's Resolutions as such, but rather to engage in the ongoing process of lifestyle changes based on our deepest values. After all, the lesson of Libra is that the scale is never perfectly balanced, and every day is a balancing act.  

January Balsamic Moon

The Balsamic, waning phase of the Moon represents a time of eliminating unnecessary attachments, to close wounds no longer serve a purpose in our lives. The Balsamic Moon will travel through many Zodiac signs from 7-12 January, 2021.  

January New Moon

The New Moon occurs on Wednesday, 13 January in Capricorn. As the most stubborn, rigid, and restrictive of the signs, the Goat will not encourage us to start different – new – things or sow unusual seeds, but rather to continue sewing seeds into our existing foundation. Although limited by structure and authority, Capricorn also thrives within these constructs. This placement reminds us that even though social authorities and external circumstances may bind us (especially during the pandemic), the roots we have established are important reference points, guides, and stabilisers.  

January Crescent Moon

The Crescent Moon cycles through the signs from 14-19 January. As a time for collecting information and investigating options, the Crescent Moon helps us to understand the most appropriate and beneficial courses of action. When things are coming to fruition during the Crescent Moon, pay attention to details and meanings, as they are likely to be relevant in the future.  

January First Quarter Moon

On Wednesday, 20 January, the First Quarter Moon occurs in the sensual, earthy sign of Taurus. The First Quarter Moon is a time of direct action and dealing with problems, which is well facilitated by the energy of the Bull, so long as we use the weight of will rather than the horns of rage. We are likely to be compelled to take action with much deeper focus on what we desire. Be careful, however, not to mistake want for need: very fittingly, the Bull symbolises both fullness and gluttony.  

January Gibbous Moon

The Gibbous Moon is the second waxing phase of the Moon, where everything expands. This is a time for organisation and interpretation, for giving the best of ourselves to people and projects. Gibbous will occur from 21-27 January, 2021 through the signs.  

January Full Moon

The Full Moon occurs on Thursday, 28 January in Leo, the sign of passion, pride, charisma, and artistic expression. As a time of fulfillment and illumination, Leo brings increased excitement and expression about our accomplishments, as well as feelings of failure about things we have not accomplished. Depending on what has manifested during this cycle, we may feel like strutting around like a peacock with our exotic wings spread, or otherwise hiding in our turtle shells. The Lion loves to flaunt her fur, but she knows the cave well. Use this illuminated Leo energy as an opportunity to understand the sources and dynamics of internal pride.  

About the author:

Jennifer Hollie Bowles has studied and practiced Astrology for over twenty years. Her approach to Astrology readings is non-deterministic and Holistic in perspective, including integration with Jungian Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Spirituality, as well as mindfully LGBT/LGBTQAP+ inclusive. Her articles, poetry, and fiction have been widely published in numerous and varied venues.