LAOR is a medicine woman, musician and healer, with her inspiration coming from indigenous cultures and the human potential to heal. This was such a wonderful exchange of knowledge and getting to understand more the stories behind where LAOR is today with her healing work.
Grace Cummins: Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your journey to becoming a medicine woman and healer? LAOR: I am LAOR and I am a human being on the path of love and healing. I was very fortunate to meet the plant medicine world in my early 20s and to experience a very powerful initiation into the world of frequency, healing and music. These experiences and the music which started to flow through me have put me on my path, and after a few years of travelling and practising with various healers and medicine people, I was given the blessing to work with these realms and guide people, which I have done in the last 20 years. GC: You are a part of many different areas of holistic healing. Do you feel that it is supportive to be able to mix and integrate different holistic practices for overall well-being? L: Absolutely. In the end, healing and well-being is about connecting to the well of knowledge which lives inside of us and all around. This well consists of so many beautiful things, and as we are unique individuals, different things can support us in different ways. GC: Your inspiration comes in part from our potential to heal. Could you tell us more about your belief in our own inner healing power, and how this is a part of your inspiration? L: I believe and know that we humans are beings with so much potential, light and endless ways to express divine energy and to share love. My music and work are connected directly to these realms of love and light, thus bringing to those who listen and share time with me these same energies. I believe that in each one of us there is a special light and a gift to share with the world and our ‘task’ is to connect more and more to this divine light while letting go of limiting beliefs and mental patterns which take us away from that same light. Love is the unifying force which brings us healing and realisations on the path. GC: Your healing takes many routes, as we have mentioned, but they all focus on helping people to ‘sing our true voice and heart expression, in a wild, natural and new way’. Why is this important to you? L: Singing is one of the highest expressions of nature in us, as well as dancing, painting, and art in general. When we connect to the life force within, something incredible occurs and we start to feel the unity and love that we are. One of the issues of our Western culture is that we have put limitations on expression and basically divided what is a ‘good’ and beautiful expression and what is not. This creates a lot of separating patterns within us, which create ailments and low vibrations. When we allow ourselves to sing our true nature – that which is beyond what we think – we begin to feel immense light and vibration travelling through our cells and creating a powerful remembrance of who we really are. Music is the language of god, and when we let music flow through us, we remember our own divinity. GC: For readers at home, are there any small first steps you can recommend to begin expressing our heart and speaking our true voice more? L: Breathe and exhale. Sigh, begging to ride your own breath waves with a long ‘ahhh…’, allowing the voice to flow in one big release. That by itself is already so powerful, and will reveal how little we allow ourselves to breathe – and what a joy it is to breathe and release sound. Later, we can start to play with that vocal release and listen to the way our voice loves to go up and down. GC: Some of your work as a medicine woman takes the form of sacred circles – can you tell us more about the healing that can be found here? L: Sitting in sacred circle rituals is a wonderful way to heal some of our Western patterns of hierarchies, as well as receiving so much love. When we sing in a circle, share and pray together, there’s so much wisdom and incredible messages which reconnect us to our life source, thus creating healing and relief. It is my favourite shape in the universe: the moon, the earth, our eyes, fruits, the stars… GC: Your music is incredibly soothing and creates an immersive experience. What do you hope listeners take away from your music? L: My wish is that the people who listen to my music experience a deep connection and a remembrance of that which is us: the universe and the stars. I enjoy receiving love messages from people expressing the healing they go through with my music. It makes me so happy. GC: How do you see the world of music and healing connecting? L: Oh, it is already so connected. Music is healing, and in the last decade, we have seen a huge increase in the interest in sound and medicine music. More and more, people are seeking music that creates healing vibrations. It is quite amazing to witness these changes. GC: What is your message for the world? L: Love, forgive, give thanks, and make the best out of this short and special journey called ‘life’. Inside of you, there’s a map for the greatest treasure you will ever find. Wake up every morning and give thanks to the sun and the earth. Speak your truth simply and clearly – and sing! If you enjoyed this article you may also enjoy: In Conversation with Nicole Bosky.LAOR is a renowned Medicine woman, musician, healer and speaker. Born in the US and raised in Israeli, her music is influenced by the Jewish religion, various Indigenous cultures and the vast landscape of the human psyche and our potential to heal. Her debut album Agradeço was released in 2019 and her songs are sung all over the world, clebrating healing, well being and the return to the heart.
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