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Victoria Jackson 7 min

In Conversation with Victoria Jackson

  This week we speak to leading manifestation and positive mindset coach Victoria Jackson. Victoria has written a wonderful book Manifesting For Beginners that breaks down the popular topic, allowing new audiences to be able to access this holistic practice; and with another book on the way that delves further into the practice of manifesting, we asked Victoria some key questions to help us understand more about this practice. Victoria's journey with manifesting grew from an interest to understanding and sharing her findings with her community to hitting reset on her life and retraining as a certified mindset and EFT practitioner. She has written two books, with her latest due to be released in September 2024, which looks like it will be a major hit amongst manifestor's and those seeking answers to their manifesting questions.   Que. 1 -  Can you break down for us what manifesting means, with the recent surge in popularity there are many meanings within the media. At it's core, manifestation is the concept of using your thoughts to create your reality. I teach a step by step process, starting with setting our intention of what we would like to manifest into our lives. Then we ask the Universe, whether it be writing a letter, speaking it into existence or adding it to our vision board. This is followed by tuning into the energy of how it would feel to already have received the manifestation, focusing on positive thoughts and actions. We then take aligned action towards our manifestation somehow – I call this meeting the Universe half way. And finally, we show gratitude for all that we already have, becoming a magnet for more things to be grateful for. The law of attraction and manifestation are often lumped together as the same thing, but I prefer to think of the law of attraction – the Universal law that states that like attracts like, the energy we put out into the world is the energy we receive back – as the foundation running throughout our lives, and manifestation is the act of consciously choosing how our life looks and feels. They work in perfect harmony together.   Que. 2 - Will everyones manifestation practice look the same or will it vary from individual to individual? The beauty of manifestation is that it isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach! Whilst the steps are the same for everyone – ask, believe, receive - we all have different dreams, different limiting beliefs that might stop us from being able to imagine what it feels like to receive our desires, and, of course, our energies flow differently. Whilst some people love the idea of creating a vision board and connecting with the Universe to share their dreams that way, other people might love to write in a journal about what their big dreams are. Some people find joy in a morning routine, others prefer to connect with manifestation on an evening. I like to call it a pick and mix tool belt of techniques and practices that you can dip into. However, the one commonality is, the energy we put out into the world is the energy we receive back. Changing our mindset to that of a more positive, grateful one, is the one thing everyone should integrate into their daily practice.   Que. 3 - What would a manifestation practice look like? Let me share mine. Once I have chosen my intention, the thing I’d like to manifest into my life, I will share that with the Universe. I love to write so I use my journal to write down a letter of gratitude to the Universe as if I already have my manifestation – I share how thankful I am, how it has positively changed my life, how I feel etc. I then make a note of any limiting thoughts or beliefs that might be stopping me from tuning into how it feels to already have that manifestation. If I notice anything, I will use tools such as subliminal audios, journaling and EFT tapping to work through those beliefs. And then I’ll take some kind of action towards my goal. It’s only then that I leave the “how” and then “when” my manifestation appears up to the Universe. Not everything we desire arrives straight away – we have to lean into faith and trust in divine timing. The most important thing to remember on your manifestation journey is this: It’s this or something better. If your manifestation doesn’t appear, it’s because the Universe has something even better up its sleeve.   Que. 4 - Your book ‘Manifestation for Beginners’ is a wonderfully accessible read, how important was it to you to create an introduction to manifesting and why? When I first discovered the concept of manifestation in 2015, I felt overwhelmed with the amount of information and advice on the internet. I was swimming in a sea of buzzwords. It was only when I started to manifest myself that I realised how simple the concept could be if you stripped everything back; hence why creating a beginners guide to manifestation. The book has helped people all over the world change their lives in a simple and accessible way.   Que. 5 - Why do you believe manifesting can be an important practice? Regardless of whether you are spiritual or more science-led, the idea of changing your mindset to a more positive and grateful one, can have a huge impact on your day-to-day happiness levels. There are so many benefits to focusing on the moments of magic in our day, rather than being stuck on a negative loop of everything that is and could be going wrong in life. It can sometimes feel like life is happening to us, and that we don’t have any control over how our future looks. Manifestation helps you see that you create your reality and can shift the direction of your life at any given moment by what you choose to focus on.   Que. 6 - Where would you recommend someone starts with the world of manifestation? Of course I’d say my book first book, Manifesting For Beginners! But otherwise, start with creating a vision board. Look through Pinterest and save digital images or collect a stack of magazines and start to pull images and words that resonate with the life you want to create. Don’t worry about whether the image makes sense, as long as it evokes an energy from you. For example, on my first ever vision board I had a girl sat on a roof top in New York. To me that represented running my own business and traveling all over the world with my laptop – exactly what I’m doing as I write the answer to this question. Put your vision board somewhere you can see daily – use your digital one as a screensaver on your phone for example, and spend a couple of minutes a day checking in, connecting to how you will feel knowing this is your reality, and seeing if you receive any downloads (ideas from the Universe) on how you can take action towards your goals.   Que. 7 - Is manifesting a daily practice? Whilst I don’t believe we have to do daily techniques and rituals to receive our manifestations, I do believe that shifting our focus to a more grateful one, has the biggest impact. The biggest misconception with manifestation is that we have to be a high vibe, positive frame of mind 100% of the time OR if we have a bad day, that our manifestations won’t arrive. This simply isn’t the case. We have a full range of emotions, and we need to be able to experience them. How would you ever feel joy, if you hadn’t have felt sadness in someway. Even when you are going through a challenging season, you can absolutely still manifest. Rather than trying to force some kind of joy and positivity, the easiest way to shift your energy is to focus on gratitude – looking for five mini moments of magic from your day, for example. It could be the sun shining, a decent coffee to start the day, finding a great parking space, or even someone holding the door open for you when you have your hands full.   Que. 8 - Are there other practices that can support our journey with manifesting? Making manifestation a part of your daily routine becomes much easier when you focus on habit stacking. For example, I do my gratitude list in the shower, listening to high vibe music to raise my energy. As I’m doing my skincare routine, I’m saying positive, empowering affirmations for the day such as “the more gratitude I put out into the world, the more abundance I receive back”. When I’m taking a break from my laptop screen, I take a moment to look at my vision board and when I’m going for my afternoon walk, I’ll listen to subliminal audios to reprogram my subconscious mind to a more positive state. Habit stacking means manifestation becomes something I can multi-task and it makes it much easier for it become second nature in my day.   Que. 9 - Your new book which comes out in September, ‘How to Manifest Anything: Your questions answered on love, money and more’ looks incredible. Was there an overall answer that kept popping up throughout the creation of the book? Thank you! I’m so excited for this book to come into the world because whilst the concept of manifestation is the same regardless of what you are manifesting – ask, believe, receive – I wanted this book to be full of practical tips, different rituals and techniques, and tangible action steps you can take. No one answer is the same because there are so many ways you can tap into the energy of feeling as if your manifestation were already yours. For example, manifesting your dream house includes steps such as living like a local, having a coffee in a local coffee shop, walking around the neighbourhood, smiling at your future neighbours etc, whilst the advice for manifesting your dream job asks you to create a cosmic shopping list of everything you desire from said job, describing to the Universe how you would like to feel on a day to day basis, how much you’d like to get paid, what the role would entail etc. And the beauty of the book is, so many of the techniques are interchangeable because everyone’s manifestation journey is different and not one ritual works the same for everyone. You can dip in and out of the book no matter what season of life you are in.   Que. 10 - If you could speak to your inner child from where you are now, what would you like to tell them? Life isn’t going to look like you imagined my love. It’s even better!     To find out more about Victoria head on over to her website here, where you can find her podcast, books and much more.   For more blogs exploring holistic and spiritual topics head on over to our blog page to read more articles!

Victoria Jackson

I’m Victoria, a leading Manifestation Coach + Positive Mindset Coach (ICF Approved), Published Author, EFT Practitioner, and Podcast Host. Founded in 2019, The Manifestation Collective began life as a supportive and intimate space online for people to talk about manifestation alongside like-minded souls, away from the cliched world of spirituality with long floaty dresses, ceremonies and holistic buzzwords. And over the last five years, The Manifestation Collective has grown organically into a monthly manifestation membership, manifestation retreats, 1:1 coaching, online and in-person workshops, no.1 chart topping podcast, no.1 book on Amazon (second book to be published Sept 2024) and so much more, reaching hundreds of thousands of people across the globe.

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