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Your August Astrology Forecast

Kindred Spirit astrologer Demian Allan reveals what’s written in the stars for August in 2022
The next two months are going to see a dance between the planets that will make us all feel a bit dizzy at times. Jupiter is travelling in the zodiac sign of Aries, signalling a new vision of a future, and Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are all travelling backwards at some point over the next two months. The conjunction between Mars and Uranus in the zodiac sign of Taurus will be the main topic. When these two planets get together, they usually bring out an external, unpredictable energy in each other. This can feel tense and erratic, particularly if you have any planets in your natal chart around 18 degrees in any of the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. July and August promise to be months full of surprises and a feeling of stubborn determination, which will help us to push through this turbulent period. Notable Astrological Dates  ✧ 1 August – Mars and Uranus conjunction in Taurus, 18 degrees ✧ 12 August – Full moon in Aquarius, 19 degrees ✧ 23 August – Sun enters Virgo ✧ 27 August – New moon in Virgo, 4 degrees   Aries  Right at the beginning of this month, your ruling planet Mars meets up with Uranus in your 2nd solar house. This planetary combination is usually unpredictable and erratic. This time it occurs in a fixed sign of the zodiac, meaning you may want to throw your toys out of the pram – but you're not allowed to. Don’t fixate on the past.     Taurus On 1 August, Mars and Uranus make a conjunction in your own zodiac sign. This could make the first couple of days of the month interesting – my advice would be to ride the chaos. On 12 August, your ruler Venus enters the family and home sector of your chart. This is a good period to concentrate your efforts on what makes you happy internally as well as externally.     Gemini From 4 August, your ruling planet Mercury begins its journey into your 4th solar house – all activity will be centred on the home life until 26 August. If you work from home or are self-employed, you might find that you become much busier with new demands or deadlines. Luckily, this usually makes for one happy Gemini!     Cancer Venus remains in your own sign until 12 August when it moves into your 2nd solar house, which is the zone that deals with your personal finances. However, look out for the early part of this month – the planets Mars and Uranus clash in the friendship area of your solar chart, which adds to a certain amount of erratic behaviour from your colleagues.   Leo For the majority of you, this is your birthday month. On 12 August, Venus, the planet of relationships, travels in your own sign, which will offer a certain amount of social interactions. However, the retrograde of Saturn in your 7th house can make you feel that others are seeing you in a very different way to how you perceive yourself this month.     Virgo On 4 August your planetary ruler Mercury travels in your own sign, creating lots of ideas and social engagements that keep you on your feet. The recent retrograde of Jupiter in your solar 8th house will focus your attention on finances and investment, with a need to look at the small print in any contracts that you are currently dissecting.     Libra There is a strong emphasis on your career this month, but also on trying to balance the home life with your own ambitions. This is particularly strong on 13 August when we have a full moon in your solar 4th house, helping to bring some situations to an end. This is amplified by Jupiter being retrograde in your solar 7th house, which rules other people’s perception of you.   Scorpio On 1 August the planets Mars and Uranus make a conjunction in your solar 7th house, contributing to an unpredictable start to August. The best thing to do is remain as open-minded as possible – a lot of this erratic energy is coming from other people rather than yourself. In the end, you don’t have much control over it.   Sagittarius Your ruler Jupiter is retrograde for the whole of this month, which means you are relying on other planets to propel you forward. On 20 August, Mars enters into the relationship area of your chart, forging new bonds and creating a bit of chaos with old enemies. Use your natural enthusiasm in life to divert any projected emotions from another.     Capricorn Your planetary ruler Saturn is retrograde this month, so there may be a general feeling of taking one step forwards and two steps back. However, you should view this as a time to take stock of situations in your life that need reevaluation, and in particular with regards to your finances and how you make your money.   Aquarius This month again focuses on the home environment, as the planets Mars and Uranus make a conjunction with each other in your solar 4th house. This creates a strong energetic shift in how you perceive your home environment. Ideas about potential changes you need to make may come up to the surface over the following four weeks.     Pisces The sun shines in the work sector of your chart, casting its light on how you respond to career concerns in general. This may include a sudden need to accomplish a lot in a short time, or at least to put a lot of energy into the external. Sometimes you can push yourself too hard, so it is important to know when to take a step back and relax.  

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This feature was originally published in Kindred Spirit issue 182 (July/August, 2022) available from 23 June, 2022. Click here to subscribe and have each new issue of Kindred Spirit delivered directly to your door. Alternatively, you can purchase individual magazines directly from our website.
Kindred Spirit’s resident astrologer is Demian Allan. For a personal reading, visit Demian’s website: