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Seven On-Purpose Angels for our Rising Age

Angels are forever showering our reality with meaningful ways to support our lives and reflect our inherent gifts. They realise that signs, symbols, and synchronicities are a modern touchstone for delivering divine guidance and are forever on hand to help us become our best selves.    Meet seven on-purpose angels who share ways to connect with them, along with their channelled art to foster a strong and loving bond.    When we invite angels into our life we invite in the joy, love, health and wellbeing we’re ready for, while resolving the root of insecurities so we can continue to rise and shine!    1. Archeia Faith 'I am helping you to demystify all negative perceptions so you can know yourself as the conscious Creator of your life'.   Archeia Faith, whose name is derived from the Latin, fidere, meaning ‘to trust’, serves on the Blue, Gold and Sapphire Ray of Divine Will, Power and Protection with her masculine counterpart, Archangel Michael. Faith has the powerful presence of a Norse Valkyrie blended with a soft and open energy. Since 2011, Faith has been focusing her Light on Earth to help humanity ascend. She is guiding you to look at how you can bring in greater faith into your reality. What do you need to surrender … and surrender into to feel more certain?    Invite in Archeia Faith for confidence, knowing you’re always supported, leadership, and seeing the best in all.                                Faith’s Affirmation: 'I rejoice in knowing that my life is by my design'.   2. Archeia Hope    'Expect only good things to happen. You deserve the best. Believe in your capabilities as you rise above doubt.'   Archeia Hope, whose name is derived from the Old English hopian, meaning 'positive expectation', serves on the White and Crystalline Ray of Harmony, Purity, and Communication with her masculine counterpart, Archangel Gabriel. Hope epitomizes 'innocence in flow'. She walks on water to reflect that anything is possible! Let her wash away any doubts you may be carrying. Bringing white lilies (Hope’s flower) into your space is a great way to raise your vibration into hopefulness.    Invite in Archeia Hope for calm, inner guidance, aligning with your Higher Self, and for optimism.    Hope’s Affirmation: 'I am a lover of life and its Infinite possibilities.'   3. Archeia Freedom 'Freedom is always yours. You don’t need to add or subtract anything to yourself to be free. You are enough'.   Archeia Freedom, whose name is derived from the Old Norse frja, meaning “to love”, serves on the Orange Ray of Acceptance, Compassion, and Understanding with her masculine counterpart, Archangel Jeremiel. Archeia Freedom reminds us that liberation is a vibrational experience we align with when our senses are open and free of bondage. She helps us to illuminate what we perceive is shameful within us so we can step out of judgement and into our true sovereignty. Freedom is helping you to overcome the hang-ups and stories that have been holding you back.   Invite in Archeia Freedom for sexual and sensual reconnection, healing inner feminine wounds and stories, and boosting self-respect and self-worth.   Freedom’s Affirmation: 'I am the light within the dark. I am the solution to every problem. I choose to live life through a new lens for I am free, I am Freedom'.   4. Archangel Cassiel    'You are unstoppable! Transform any self-talk that says otherwise. Live and lead without fear'.   Archangel Cassiel, whose name reflects 'divine speed', serves on the Black Ray of Transcendence and Potential with his feminine counterpart, Archeia Serenity. Cassiel being the angel of solitude, observes Earth without interfering as he honours the contrast of life for the growth it brings. In this way, Cassiel reflects more uncomfortable Truths. He’s stepping forward to help you love the parts of you that feel dense, dark, or negative.   Invite in Archangel Cassiel for bringing shadow aspects into Wholeness, connection to the ocean, Dolphin and Dragon Realms, tapping into your inner warrior, and transforming ego.    Cassiel’s Affirmation: 'I have nothing to fear for me and Creation, Creation and me are One'.   5. Archeia Mercy    'Everything in the Universe is a manifestation of Love, including you, Dear One. Cherish and honour your sacredness'.   Archeia Mercy, whose name is derived from the Old French mercit, meaning 'kindness', serves on the Copper and Magenta Ray of Soul Ascension with her masculine counterpart, Archangel Azrael. Mercy who epitomizes the essence of Divine Feminine energy, inspires us to connect with inner goddess to follow our heart’s call, reclaim our feminine power, and heal sexual and body shame. Lean into her to transform karmic entanglements and any form of self-harm.   Invite in Archeia Mercy for healing abuse and trauma, increasing awareness and receptivity, integrating your soul’s gifts and wisdom into your life, and loving your body.    Mercy’s Affirmation: 'Body, you are a living, thriving genius. A work of art and a temple to adore. Thank you, for everything you do. I love and honour you'.   6. Archeia Joy    'Life isn’t meant to be serious. Find the humour in every situation. Laugh, lighten, and awaken through pleasure!'   Archeia Joy, whose name is derived from the Latin gaudium, meaning 'rejoice', serves on the Gold Ray of Illumination, Blessings, and Truth with her masculine counterpart, Archangel Barachiel. Joy being a pure expression of Love, reminds us to take ourselves lightly and make our spiritual path fun. She helps us uplift our soul and refuel our energy so can give the best of ourselves. Archeia Joy asks, what makes your heart sing? What makes you feel alive? Whether you’re inspired to sing, move, create, or make love more, bring your soul into all that you’re in-joying!    Invite in Archeia Joy for embracing personal evolution, inciting expansion, levity, and unity, appreciating the moment, and understanding sensations of déjà vu.    Joy’s Affirmation: 'I am eager to play, have fun, enjoy adventures, and live beyond limitation'.   7. Archangel Barachiel   'Live outside the lines as you celebrate the blessing that is You!'   Archangel Barachiel, whose name reflects 'divine blessings', serves on the same Ray as his feminine counterpart, Archeia Joy. Barachiel has a vibrant, audacious energy. He inspires our natural authenticity to shine bright! Barachiel is the angel tasked with connecting us with our guardian angels, so they are a perfect match to our soul, and Earthly and celestial path. If you’d like to meet your personal angels or strengthen your existing connection, Barachiel can help. He’s encouraging you to live your life in a bolder, freer way for you weren’t born to fit in. You came to Earth eager to make a difference and to express your Light in your own way.    Invite in Archangel Barachiel for celebrating originality and non-conformity, knowing yourself beyond identities and labels, living outside your comfort zones, and the supporting Archangel for the LGBTQ+ community.   Barachiel’s Affirmation: 'The only validation I need is my own.'    Discover more on-purpose angels in the upcoming, The Female Archangels Oracle Deck (Findhorn Press, 2022) and its matching best-selling book, The Female Archangels: Evolutionary Teachings to Heal and Empower Your Life (That Guys House, 2020). About the author: Calista is an award-winning author, speaker, and pioneer of spiritual Ascension. As a former cancer research scientist, she blends the seen and unseen realms into her certified modalities, Angel Healing® and Unicorn Healing®, which are taught worldwide. The author of several best-selling books and oracle decks. Social: @CalistaAscension