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Gwen Jones2 min

Crystal Q&A: Crystal for Mood Support

In this Crystal Q&A mini-series with founder and director of Jude Polack, we learn how to protect ourselves with crystals

Q: I always find this time of year particularly challenging. Are there any crystals you would recommend to help give me a boost?



This time of year, what with its shorter days and longer nights, can be challenging for so many of us. Add to that the uncertainty governing much of what we see and read as we go about our day to day. Further potential lockdowns, energy price hikes and the all too recent panic buying of petrol – it’s no wonder you may feel like you need a bit of a boost or crystal pick-me-up! Thankfully, there are a number of crystals that can help put a spring back in your step.

Black tourmaline is the first on the list. This beautiful black stone can absorb negative energy and turn it around to make it positive. The crystal also helps encourage a sense of power and self-confidence, which can be of use to those working in challenging and uncomfortable places.

The second crystal to highlight is Carnelian. The orange-red variety of chalcedony has been utilised by cultures through the ages to help with self-esteem and image. Nicknamed ‘the sunset stone’ by Ancient Egyptians, it is believed it harnessed the heat of the sun and then channelled this into the wearer. Carnelian is said to stimulate the metabolism and help deliver a good supply of blood to organs and tissues, which should give you a welcome boost of energy and set you in good stead to  combat any curveballs your day may throw your way.

Last but by no means least, Amethyst is an absolute must for anyone looking to crystals for their potential healing properties. This purple favourite is said to help you find peace by enabling a connection to your inner self. Connected to your headspace, Amethyst works to alleviate stress tension and mental clutter and with nothing weighing you down, you’ll be free to focus on what matters most to you.

Crystals can be worn, carried, or placed depending on size and weight. It is important to find the combination and method that works best for you.


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Jude Polack is the founder and director of, a company that works with crystals, bringing their wonderful properties together in crystal water bottles. She has a long-standing interest in natural wellness and also works as a doula and positive birth advocate. Jude’s three children all keep stashes of crystals in their rooms and schoolbags too.