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Leah Russell1 min

Crystal Q&A: Crystals for Creativity

In this Crystal Q&A mini-series with founder and director of Jude Polack, we learn which crystals can help spark our creativity

Q: I’m looking to stimulate my creativity after a long creative block. Are there any crystals you would recommend for this?

  A: We all need a boost from time to time, especially after the summer holidays when everyone is back to school and work. There are many crystals you can use to help you get back into a creative flow. Smoky quartz is an amazing stone for clearing negative blockages that may be stopping you from expressing your potential. It is used to promote clear thinking and enable the user’s creativity to flow more freely. Meditate with a piece of smoky quartz and set your intention to clear creative blocks and allow positive, fresh energy in. Amethyst is another crystal that can aid creativity. Amethyst is said to help enhance your natural talents, giving you a motivational boost to start new projects or finish old ones that were put to one side. Pair an amethyst and clear quartz together to raise the power of your talents. When looking to dive into a new project or venture, use carnelian to give you the confidence you need to get started. Carnelian helps the user tap into many creative paths giving you motivation, confidence and the energy you need.  

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Jude Polack is the founder and director of bewater, a company that works with crystals, bringing their wonderful properties together in crystal water bottles.
She has a long standing interest in natural wellness and also works as a doula and positive birth advocate.
Jude’s three children all keep stashes of crystals in their rooms and schoolbags too.