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Walking Britain’s Ley Lines

From issue 175 of Kindred Spirit (May/June, 2021), Susie Kearley details some of Britain's most sacred walks
Sunrise at Stonehenge (Credit: English Heritage)

There's something uplifting about walking along Britain's sacred routes and spiritual pathways. Spending time in the countryside can make us more mindful, immersed in the moment and absorbing glorious views of ancient landscapes. Energy lines (also known as leys) were first discovered by amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins in 1921 and lead us along timeless routes used by our ancestors over thousands of years. These places were special to our ancestors and where leys intersect, monuments and stone circles are often found.

  You can read all about these ancient walking routes in issue 175 of Kindred Spirit, on sale from 29 April, and click through our handy directory of featured walks here.  


Part of Avebury Henge, the largest prehistoric stone circle in Europe (Credit: National Trust Images/David Noton)

Durrington Walls Stonehenge Landscape walk

Great Stones Way



Upton House and Gardens (Credit: Chris Lacey National Trust Images)

Upton House and Gardens Ley Line Walk



The view from Glastonbury Tor

Glastonbury Tor Walk



The Rollright Stones

Chippy Rollright Walk



Foraging and dowsing in ancient Dartmoor (Credit: Visit Britain Images)

Yes Tor and High Willhays 

Michael Line



Group of walkers exploring the Yorkshire Wolds and East Riding countryside (Credit: Visit Britain Images)

Rudston Walks



Llanddwyn Island on the coast of Anglesey (Credit: Visit Britain)

Isle of Anglesey Coastal Path



Nine Ladies Stone Circle (Credit: Historic England)

The Nine Ladies Stone Circle Walk

Stanton Moor and The Nine Ladies Stones from Winster



Aviemore Ring Cairn and Stone Circle



Find out more:

Susie Kearley's full feature is published in Kindred Spirit issue 175 (May/June, 2021) available from 29 April, 2021. Click here to subscribe and have each new issue of Kindred Spirit delivered directly to your door. Alternatively, you can purchase individual magazines directly from our website.