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Leah Russell3 min

Beat Exam Anxiety with Natural Remedies

As we enter prime time for summer exams, we have a guest post from RESCUE Remedy® and The Stress Management Society's Neil Shah, who wants to share a few tips to keep on top of pressure – so you can direct your focus where you need to this exam season.



Don’t let pressure get to you this exam season


Exams are a part of life, designed to test knowledge and help determine the direction we’re going in. From SATs and GCSEs to A-Levels and university exams, they can all pose a challenging, nerve-wracking time. While there's no silver bullet to allow you to answer every question you might be asked, taking the time to prepare and revise will help to make you feel more in control, balanced and equipped to give your best efforts for the best results.

RESCUE Remedy® has teamed up with Chief Destressing Officer from The Stress Management Society, Neil Shah, to provide some brilliant tips on how to keep on top of the exam period while remaining calm and focused.


Manage your study time

It's important to schedule your work. Draw up a balanced and realistic revision schedule, and stick to it. Studying for long periods of time will not benefit you in the long term as human brains can only maintain concentration for roughly 90 minutes at one time. Have regular breaks and schedule time to do the things you enjoy. Also, be aware of when you work best; some people prefer studying early in the morning and others prefer to stay up late. When are you most productive?  

Stop comparing yourself with others and adopt a revision technique that works for you

Everyone has a different approach to revision. Choose your own method and find the revision style that suits you. Some examples could be revising alone in a quiet room, revising with a friend, going to the library, playing music in the background, working on the computer and so on.  

Manage your study space

Avoid technology, television or social media when you're studying. Keep your study room clean and clear to avoid distractions.  

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Eat right and try not to skip any meals; good nutrition fuels your brain as well as your body. Also make sure you keep hydrated, as your brain can only function at its best when hydrated. When in a state of stress, our bodies are expecting a physical response – fight or flight. Engaging in physical activity such as short walks in the park, going to the gym or simply some stretching are the best ways to burn off your stress and re-gain focus.  

Get support

If you find that you're feeling stressed, allow yourself a break to spend some time with relatives or your friends. Some social interaction will take your mind off revision for a while and give you a mental break. You can then go back to revision feeling re-energised and focused. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for some help. Teaching is often the best way of learning; why not try to teach/present different topics to different friends?  

Get a good night’s sleep

Don't sacrifice a good night’s sleep for a night cramming your revision. Every student has been tempted to do (or has done) this, but it is a false economy. The temptation may be to stay up late and use every hour available to revise if you are really conscientious, or cram for the night before an exam if you are last minute. Cramming is a poor revision strategy and not getting enough sleep can hinder your concentration, mood, memory and judgement. Sleep is so important to maintain good mental and physical health. It is nature's healer; the opportunity for your brain and body to repair themselves from the stresses of the day and build and develop for the future. Don’t be tempted to forego it!  

It's so important to take a moment to take inner control and maintain your balance before those exams. Stay on top of your game and keep RESCUE Remedy by your side. It's a combination of five specially blended Bach™ Original Flower Essences and can be used anytime, anywhere. You could even take a tin of RESCUE Pastilles or packet of RESCUE PLUS® Lozenges into the exam room with you.


Find out more 

RESCUE® is available from Boots, Holland & Barrett, Superdrug, independent pharmacies and health food stores, grocery stores nationwide and online at Products in the RESCUE® range include droppers, sprays, melts, creams, pastilles, gels and lozenges.
For more information, go to