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Leah Russell3 min

How to Cope with the Loss of a Loved One

When we're inevitably faced with loss, it can be difficult to cope with. But if we know to cherish the gift of life, we can also learn to know and embrace loss in a healthy way.
Meditation teacher Maggie Richards shares nine practical steps to help deal with the loss of a loved one, both before and after their passing on.

Life is a precious gift, a golden opportunity to become who we truly are – divine! In aiming for that glorious goal it is not just how we spend our allotted time on earth that matters, but how we leave when it’s time to depart. Assisting our loved ones spiritually – especially our parents, who are our passageway to this realm – can directly advance their evolutionary journey, and ours.




1. Help right wrongs

Where appropriate, gently encourage your loved one to lift their spirit by acting on any regrets or wrongdoings, and asking for forgiveness – where possible from the other person, as well as from the Divine. Equally, if they’ve been hurt and still hold a grudge against someone, encourage them to make peace and forgive them. Whatever they don’t address before leaving may only weigh them down afterwards. Support your loved one to travel light.  

2. Clear the air

If there’s something you’ve been holding back – positive or negative – clear the air with kindness, choosing your time wisely and being gently honest. Encourage other family members to do the same. It will not only help your loved one, but you as well. Carpe diem!  

3. Tie up loose ends

Helping your loved one to get all their affairs in order is important so as to not leave their karmic tail behind. Practical elements, such as writing a will, are key. If there are debts, strive to get them paid. Also, is there anything your loved one wishes to do before they pass on? What have they always wanted to do? Help them to make those things manifest.  

4. Explore the esoteric

What are your loved one’s thoughts about death and the afterlife? Getting them thinking and talking about this should begin to neutralise any fears and ease their passage back to the lofty realms of Spirit. If their understanding is narrow, give hints in an effort to widen it, read spiritual literature to them such as The Tibetan Book of the Dead: Awakening Upon Dying by Padmasambhava, or Inner Journey Meditations with Cher Chevalier and Liz Solari. Perhaps suggest watching a spiritual film together, too, such as Astral City: A Spiritual Journey, or Hereafter starring Matt Damon.  

5. Bring peace

Peace is a gateway to the eternal and true. The more peaceful they are when the time comes to join loved ones in spirit, the easier and safer will be their passage to the non-material realms. Take them to sit or walk in nature, for example, encourage them to talk about what brings them peace, or play their favourite peaceful music often.    



6. Pray for them

Pray that your loved one be given safe passage. It helps. As does sending them loving thoughts as you go about your day, just as it would if they were still incarnate.  

7. Do things their way

It’s very clear to me that relatives must do their very best to organise a funeral exactly as their loved one would have wished it. If your loved one left instructions, follow them to the letter. The funeral is the last opportunity to celebrate the person’s life and therefore very significant indeed. Should disputes arise, do your best to stay calm and focused on what your loved one would have wanted.  

8. Await their loving messages

On leaving this realm or even just before, humans often have strong prompts to pass on a message to their loved ones. It could be helpful to sit, settle your mind, and focus on the person through the point between your eyebrows. Wait in loving silence for their messages. Acting on them will help bring you peace. Alternatively, seek the assistance of a reputable psychic or medium that may be willing to tune in for you.  

9. Continue communicating

The loss from a death comes as a shock, yet psychic ties are not so swiftly severed. If there’s something you need to say to your loved one, talk to them, if you wish, in your mind or even out loud. It will lighten the grieving process and keep the creative channels of love clear.


Find out more:

After beginning her career as a journalist, Maggie Richards fell in love with her inner silence at the age of 30 when her life was transformed by meditation. She now teaches adults, children and businesses alike how to rest and be their best.
From A Guide to Being a Better Being by Maggie Richards, available on Amazon.
Photo credit: Polskey

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